If late night eating interferes with fat loss, why do people who eat more in the evening lose more fat than people who don’t? If carbs become fattening after 6 PM, how come people who eat more carbs after 6 PM lose more fat than those who eat them earlier in the day? If we […]

Can you avoid fat gain during cheat days and holiday feasts like Thanksgiving and Christmas? Sure, you can. But if you’re a big eater that loves food, like me, it’s more a question of minimizing fat storage than attempting to avoid it. And trust me, there’s a few nifty strategies that can be used for […]

Some highlights from my twitter between January and April, with additional commentary. I tend to tweet about recent scientific findings and other stuff I find interesting. Do raspberries stunt muscle growth? Tweet: “I’m a sucker for raspberries and sometimes eat them by the pound as a treat with cinnamon or cacao. Raspberry ketones may have […]

I have previously hinted that intermittent fasting sidesteps the issues associated with stubborn body fat. Indeed I rarely find any need for advanced strategies to rid my clients of stubborn body fat. I will soon tell you why, but first let me give you some background information to what I’m talking about here. What is […]

Following up on my article about the fat fallacy and anti-fat propaganda of the 80s and 90s, I thought it would be fitting to cover the carbophobia of more recent times. The origins of carbophobia can be traced back to the late ’90s. Just about the same time that the public was starting to realize […]

I ranted a little about diet approach, leptin and the set-point theory on bodybuilding.com. Figured it could make for a decent post here. I added some extras in the form of a short review on the effects of intermittent fasting on leptin. Short background on leptin and set-point Leptin is a master-hormone with downstream effects […]

Last week I participated in an intermittent fasting roundtable at Mike O’Donnell’s blog. Nothing groundbreaking if you’re familiar with the gist of my protocols and ideas, but well worth a read to see what Mike and Brad has to say about IF. On the topic of blogs, you should also check out Lyle’s six part […]