Every Christmas Eve is Cheesecake Eve, and so it fell upon me to once again face off against these wretched cakes. I did not choose this. But as one of the last of my kind (Level 10 Cheesecake Mastery*), it’s my duty to walk the earth and do battle with these cakes for the greater […]

The best way to celebrate your 29th birthday is with some good old cheesecake mastery. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. The official Leangains Cheesecake (TM) weighing in at a respectable 7 lbs. This one was au naturel. No cherries, no blueberries, no raspberries, no nothing. A no bullshit cheesecake. I actually […]

I’m not talking about Christmas. I’m talking about Super Christmassacre 2010. This time my cheesecake mastery will be pushed to its utmost limits. I can sense the ominous presence of the cheesecake that awaits me tomorrow from miles ahead. Its dark and brooding power is not to be trifled with. However, I will not come […]

Can you avoid fat gain during cheat days and holiday feasts like Thanksgiving and Christmas? Sure, you can. But if you’re a big eater that loves food, like me, it’s more a question of minimizing fat storage than attempting to avoid it. And trust me, there’s a few nifty strategies that can be used for […]

You might not know this but aside from having attained the highest rank in cheesecake mastery, I am also an ambitious scholar of meat mastery and beermanship. This last weekend, on Midsummer’s Eve, I decided it was time to introduce Marjan, an eager Leangains apprentice, to these fine arts. I told him it was time […]

Having barely recovered from the last bout a few weeks ago, I sensed a new war brewing on the horizon. This time the enemy would prove to be a formidable opponent. Facing powerful magic from the gods, I had to employ a new strategy to overcome it. Brute force was not an option. Wits and […]

This Easter I went head to head with my one of the most brutal foes I have faced so far: a cherry cheesecake covered in heavy whipping cream. Man versus cake in a fight to the finish. While my last foe was impressive in terms of sheer power and bulk, it was also unsophisticated and […]

Everyone knows Christmas is a great time for cheesecake. And I’m a cheesecake master. Master at eating it, that is. Do not click pic if prone to cravings.