Dear readers, it is with troublesome news I break my three months of silence. The statistics all point towards the same conclusion: we have a global outbreak of fuckarounditis. Fuckarounditis is a behavioral disorder characterized by a mediocre physique and complete lack of progress, despite significant amounts of time spent in the gym. Fuckarounditis most commonly manifests […]

Can you avoid fat gain during cheat days and holiday feasts like Thanksgiving and Christmas? Sure, you can. But if you’re a big eater that loves food, like me, it’s more a question of minimizing fat storage than attempting to avoid it. And trust me, there’s a few nifty strategies that can be used for […]

I sometimes get asked how it “feels to be lean” or hear remarks like “it must be awesome to be lean all the time“. I reply that I feel great and that being lean feels great. But that’s not the whole truth. People with a remote interest in fitness and health usually aspire to get […]

People will often feel inclined to explain to you why the numerous constraints in their lives have prevented them to achieve the their goal. They have so much else going on in their lives. A job, a girlfriend, social events to attend. Time-consuming hobbies. A car that needs fixing or some other project of critical […]

Shortly before and after New Year’s Eve, there’s always a slew of articles and blog posts about how to train and burn off the holiday pounds. They mostly preach the same message about taking it easy and not overdoing it. It’s such a tired and boring topic, so I’ll spare you that. Last year around […]

According to this article, getting fit and leaner ranks 2nd and 3rd on a list of the most popular new year’s resolutions people make. So, as January comes around, the cardio machines, swiss balls and dumbbells gets the most attention they’ve had in a long time. It doesn’t last of course, since people are lousy […]