Reverse Pyramid Training FAQ

Questions and answers related to reverse pyramid training and weight training in general. An ongoing work in progress. Subscribe to my newsletter or follow me on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram to get notified on updates to the FAQ. Foresee a damn long read when all’s said and done. Q: Is the +2.5 increase in the article […]

Questions & Answers

Quite busy lately, therefore the lack of posts. But I’m still alive and here comes some more questions & answers. The window of opportunity Q: Understanding that a caloric surplus is required for muscle building, is there a window post workout where nutrient partitioning is greater towards muscle building? I would think that the nutrient […]

Questions & Answers

Another Q&A. Click here to see all Q&A’s. Intermittent Fasting and Testosterone First a question related to the effects of dieting on testosterone and libido/reproductive function in general – Q: “My sex drive just winds down to nearly nothing when I’m running an intense caloric deficit. Is there some documented/anecdotal correlation on this, or is […]

Introduction and updates (31/8)

My name is Martin Berkhan, nutritional counselor, fitness magazine writer and creator of Leangains. Leangains is a unique approach to strength training and nutrition. The diet involves intermittent fasting and strength training in order to reduce fat mass and increase muscle mass. This is performed by switching between phases of overfeeding and underfeeding, as well […]