Wrote this in 2010. 7 years later, what’s different? Not much. My recommendations and personal usage remain the same with one caveat. As far as fat burners go, there’s nothing legal left worth buying ‘cept caffeine pills. Back in the day, you could still buy some pretty hardcore/grey zone thermogenics on bodybuilding.com, but those are […]

This post will include a few random goodies: two awesome high protein recipes, the best tasting casein protein powders, a new BCAA recommendation, and a review of Jack3d. I’m a sucker for puddings and chocolate pudding with milk was probably one of the main contributors for my fatassitude when growing up. I could eat it […]

Some highlights from my twitter between January and April, with additional commentary. I tend to tweet about recent scientific findings and other stuff I find interesting. Do raspberries stunt muscle growth? Tweet: “I’m a sucker for raspberries and sometimes eat them by the pound as a treat with cinnamon or cacao. Raspberry ketones may have […]

Following up on my article about the fat fallacy and anti-fat propaganda of the 80s and 90s, I thought it would be fitting to cover the carbophobia of more recent times. The origins of carbophobia can be traced back to the late ’90s. Just about the same time that the public was starting to realize […]

In the Leangains Guide I wrote the following: My general position on the fasted phase is that it should last through the night and during the morning hours. Ideally the fast should then be broken at noon or shortly thereafter if you arise at 6-7 AM like most people. Afternoons and evenings are usually spent […]

The six meals a day dogma gets knocked again. Badly. It wasn’t too long ago that the mainstream media caught wind of the fact that there is no difference with regards to fat loss on lower versus higher meal frequencies. Now a new study shows that three meals a day is actually superior to six […]

…in physique development and sports performance, even rather intelligent folks can be resistant to removing any one element of the puzzle when they are currently pleased with the results being produced and see things consistently moving in the desired direction over time. Are there any practical ways to help such people break the ‘perception is […]

February was a busy month and I didn’t get around to posting much. Since things have cooled down a bit and I need to get back into the habit of writing, I’m gonna kick off this month with an article that touches on a few factors that I believe are important for anyone wanting to […]

Quite busy lately, therefore the lack of posts. But I’m still alive and here comes some more questions & answers. The window of opportunity Q: Understanding that a caloric surplus is required for muscle building, is there a window post workout where nutrient partitioning is greater towards muscle building? I would think that the nutrient […]

I’ll have another Q&A up soon, but I figure I’d drop by real quick and link some worthwhile reading and listening material. Ryan Zielonka writes about his experience with my RPT system. “Intelligent HIT – the kind promulgated by Martin, at least – keeps volume to a minimum. Major movements are trained infrequently. Martin has […]