I had intended to write about something different today, had it not been for this new and exciting study that came out a few days ago. The study, named “Training in the fasted state improves glucose tolerance during fat-rich diet“, adds to the scientific evidence that shows that fasted training may have unique benefits* that […]

I have previously hinted that intermittent fasting sidesteps the issues associated with stubborn body fat. Indeed I rarely find any need for advanced strategies to rid my clients of stubborn body fat. I will soon tell you why, but first let me give you some background information to what I’m talking about here. What is […]

In this article I wrote about a study that showed an anabolic rebound effect during feeding after fasted weight training. The title of that article ended with a question mark, since it was a (very) short-term study with results that were far from conclusive in regards to fasted training being superior to fed state training. […]

In part one of this article series I covered the basics of water retention. This time I’ll list a few effective tricks that will help you deal with it when and if it occurs. Don’t worry, you won’t be sweating it out in a sauna and sucking on ice cubes. I’ll offer simple and non-intimidating […]

People will often feel inclined to explain to you why the numerous constraints in their lives have prevented them to achieve the their goal. They have so much else going on in their lives. A job, a girlfriend, social events to attend. Time-consuming hobbies. A car that needs fixing or some other project of critical […]

Quite busy lately, therefore the lack of posts. But I’m still alive and here comes some more questions & answers. The window of opportunity Q: Understanding that a caloric surplus is required for muscle building, is there a window post workout where nutrient partitioning is greater towards muscle building? I would think that the nutrient […]