My book The Leangains Method – The Art of Getting Ripped. Researched, Practiced, Perfected. is now available for pre-order. You get to read it on August 16 and there’s a gold star for everyone who recognizes the meta-reference between book and release date. There’s probably a better way of launching a book and I should probably tell […]

Let’s start with the bad news. The Leangains Diet is delayed ’till July and that’s about as specific about a date I’ll be this time around. Not my fault, but I’ll take responsibility since I said it’s going to be out today, June 18th, which it’s not. Today was the intended release date we were […]

I started writing on my book May 1st, 2017. If someone would’ve told me what lay ahead, I’m not sure I would’ve followed through. Because book writing’s a bitch. Don’t let anyone tell you different. But I did follow through. And when all’s said and done, I’m happy with the result. I think you will […]
![12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos [Book Review]](https://leangains.wpenginepowered.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/book-review-twelve-rules.png)
I hate self-help books, but like Jordan B Peterson. And so do many others – 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos is currently the number one bestselling book on Amazon. Deserved…or not? We’ll get into that. But first, what’s it about? Title says it all. World’s going to shit. Men are turning into […]

Good news, friends! Leangains is now on Patreon. Got questions burning a hole in your head? Want my opinion on something? Show your support with a single buck and have your questions answered in the question thread. I’m there daily. Enjoy the Q&A-series in my newsletter? For $10 you can read Patreon-exclusive Q&As, more like mini-articles, […]

Questions and answers related to reverse pyramid training and weight training in general. An ongoing work in progress. Subscribe to my newsletter or follow me on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram to get notified on updates to the FAQ. Foresee a damn long read when all’s said and done. Q: Is the +2.5 increase in the article […]

My physique and strength are built on Reverse Pyramid Training (RPT). My clients? RPT. In my 19 years of weight training, I’ve tried countless methods, but always revert back to RPT. It’s the most reliable and effective I’ve ever come across. If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t be using it. I’m not married to methods, only results. […]

Happy New Year everyone. Let’s get to it. Writing to clarify and give an update on the elusive Leangains book. Plan on releasing two this year. One, the fabled Leangains official, will arrive late 2018 (probably in the fourth quarter). Writing diligently, consistently, and have an editor. I’m making an effort. Can’t say the same […]

For beginners wanting the ins and out of my methods, or long-time readers who may have missed a hidden gem or two, I wrote a site guide. This will provide a coherent overview of essential reading as it relates to intermittent fasting, nutrition and good training practices. Let me know if you think something’s missing. Dec 14th: […]

Welcome to the new and improved Leangains! The move from Blogger to WordPress has been a long time coming. Now that it’s done, I’ve a hard time explaining why it took so damn long. Guess one of my many shortcomings is trying to do everything myself, and that means some things never get done. Or take […]