Hey everybody, just dropping off some earcandy for those who keep hassling me about doing more talks. I will and India, the land of fasting, is first in line so prick those ears for a hearty conversation about intermittent fasting, fuckarounditis and everything else, ummms and ehhhms included. Alright, y’all have a nice weekend now. I’ll […]

I’ve been mulling over Alangate for the better part of last week. Not good. Nope. I was miserable writing my book and I feel miserable after having released it. I know I shouldn’t. I’m a bestselling author by any standard. NYT or Amazon, I’m on that list. Without a hard copy, publishing company, marketing team […]

…For fucking up the fitness industry once again. What can I say? Guilty as charged. Flipped them a bird and gave ’em cheesecake crumbs from 16:8-day. Whats that, they asked. Settlement, bitch. Take it or leave it. And they did, for now. Listen, guys. It’s been a week now and The Leangains Method is a success. […]

As some of you might know, I announced a new holiday yesterday; 16:8 Day, named so for reasons outlined in the Instagram post, one of them being the release of The Leangains Method: The Art of Getting Ripped. Researched, Practiced, Perfected. Naturally, there is only one way to celebrate such a day. I’m talking about cheesecake […]

My book is out in 3 hours. The Leangains Method FAQ is live. What’s not to love? Think about. Only 180 minutes left in this dreadful state of confusion and unknowing. What a time to be alive. You lucky bastard. I would’ve sold my soul for this.

A brief update to address questions and flaunt the new site design. Like it? We’ll be sorting out the kinks in the days to come, but it’s a hell of an improvement from a year ago, that’s for damn sure. The Leangains Method – The Art of Getting Ripped. Researched, Practiced, Perfected is currently available […]

My book The Leangains Method – The Art of Getting Ripped. Researched, Practiced, Perfected. is now available for pre-order. You get to read it on August 16 and there’s a gold star for everyone who recognizes the meta-reference between book and release date. There’s probably a better way of launching a book and I should probably tell […]