I get these e-mails from time to time and it’s always a pleasure to read them. Martin, after all the knowledge I have gathered through your site, and from your articles I decided to give this a go when i started a mini-cut. After 5 weeks of mini-cutting I went from 167.5 lbs to 160.7lbs, […]

Added a new testimonial, from Matthew S, which is very thorough and well written. Matt is an example of how the Leangains way of meal patterning may impact the social and psychological sides of life – for the better. Have a look at it in the testimonials section further down the page (fourth person from […]

Testimonials from people who has done personal consultations and/or are using my ideas with great results. This section will be updated continuously. Seth Ronland 1st place, 2005 Swedish Athletic Fitness Championship 1st place, 2006 Swedish Athletic Fitness Championship 2nd place, 2007 Swedish Athletic Fitness Championship I have always been very open in questions concering nutrition […]