Time for another Leangains success story. Success stories are emailed to me from people all across the globe and everyone has been using the simple but effective intermittent fasting guidelines I’ve outlined in “The Leangains Guide.” This success story is from Spencer. Just like Tanner’s success story, it is an excellent example of muscle gain […]

I have an article coming soon and I can almost guarantee that you will get to learn about something completely new and fascinating. A topic I haven’t seen covered anywhere else outside the deepest pits of PubMed. At least I don’t think so. Not from this perspective. But if I’m wrong I’m gonna have to go […]

Time for another success story. This one is from Danielle Reutter who used the Leangains approach to get in amazing shape. Actually, “amazing” is a huge understatement, as she won her class in the 2010 NPC Nationals (Figure) and earned an IFBB Pro Card. This makes Danielle the first American “professional” Figure competitor who uses […]

I know I promised a new training article two weeks ago but my schedule has been a bit crazy lately. It’s coming, but as it’s been a while since my last post, I thought I’d drop this success story real quick. It’s good that I have a whole bunch of these stacked away for times […]

It’s time for another success story. I’m sitting on tons of these. People are getting amazing results following the Leangains guide and I’m stoked to see success stories dropping in by the dozen. This one is pretty damn impressive. I was quite pleased with my results after an intermittent fasting style “bulk” back in 2006. […]

Time for another Leangains success story. I have a whole bunch of these lying around. People keep sending me reports of exceptional results after having implemented my methods. That’s just awesome. Check out the free guide to the Leangains approach if you haven’t already. This success story is actually from an old client of mine, […]

It’s time for another success story. Success stories are body transformations that are sent to me by people that have used the Leangains system with exceptional results. This remarkable success story was sent to me by Neto Bertalia. Here’s Neto, 16 years old and 375 lbs, on April 16th 2008. At 375 lbs Neto was […]

I started posting about my approach to intermittent fasting back in 2006. Back then my writings and results inspired many to take the leap themselves. My blog came into fruition 2007 and more people decided to give intermittent fasting a chance. My clientele grew exponentially. Since then I’ve received numerous e-mails from people, telling me […]

Part two of my interview with nordic body fitness champ and intermittent fasting user Kristine Weber. Me: Could you describe your training routine – for example, do you have a preference for lower or higher volume, or lower or higher rep ranges? Do you stick with the basics or do you include a lot of […]

Andreaz Engström wasn’t the only one at the Nordic Championships using intermittent fasting to take first place in his category. Norwegian beauty and body fitness gold winner Kristine Weber is a big fan of the approach as well. Me: Tell us a little about yourself – anything at all you’d like to share with someone […]