Happy Holidays everyone! I’ve started taking clients again and figured that it was time for another client update. Feel free to contact me if you’re interested in my help. Bear in mind that I have a waiting list. In many cases, the pictures are too small to do the clients justice, so give them a […]

A pretentious introduction will not set the tone for 2012, so to hell with that, Happy New Year and cheers to all. I’ll kick off 2012 with another client update, talk some shit, and we’ll see where it ends up. I accidentally deleted half the post without saving, including a bunch of interesting and not-so-interesting […]

I can’t think of a better way to kick off 2011 than with another client update. Perhaps these transformations will provide some inspiration for you in this new year. As usual, every client used the Leangains intermittent fasting approach, which you can read more about here: “The Leangains Guide.” Without exception, every client either gained […]

What is the maximum muscular potential of drug-free athletes or natural bodybuilders? And what does it take to get there? That’s the topic I’m going to revisit today. I’ve talked about the maximum muscular potential before in the short article “What’s my Genetic Muscular Potential”, where I presented a formula based on the heights and […]

Here’s a video of Andreaz Engström, current nordic bodybuilding champ and client of mine, preparing for the national championship in Athletic Fitness 2010. Andreaz does about half of his training fasted. Heavy compound movements predominantely, no pikachu-stuff. He’s about 6 weeks out here and strong as ever. This is a new challenge for Andreaz and […]

Time for another Leangains success story. I have a whole bunch of these lying around. People keep sending me reports of exceptional results after having implemented my methods. That’s just awesome. Check out the free guide to the Leangains approach if you haven’t already. This success story is actually from an old client of mine, […]

Time for another client update. See all client updates and testimonials on this site by clicking here* and here. * To see all client updates, you need to click “older posts” at the end of the page. Dave G Dave Gerczak, successful entrepreneur and founder of the large online watch store Watchco, has made a […]

Time for another client update. See all client updates and testimonials on this site by clicking here and here. Robert N Robert had been dieting for Decembercupen, where he would compete in Athletic Fitness, for several weeks before he came to me. There wasn’t much time left and at 4 weeks out he needed to […]

I’m happy to announce that Andreaz Engström won the -70 kg class at the Nordic Bodybuilding Championships in Trondheim, Norway, today. The competition pits competitors from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania against each other. Third time’s a charm, as the saying goes, and this has been an exciting journey for us […]

No doubt, the six-meal-a-day-approach so prevalent among fitness professionals and recreational trainees alike can interfere with social life and work. It’s sad considering it doesn’t have to be that way. Indeed we ourselves are the creators of all of our troubles and compulsions. But it certainly doesn’t help when we are constantly showered with messages […]