Book Reviews: Best of Lyle McDonald

Mission Statement: all reviews will be my honest assesment on the material in queston. My opinion will never be influenced by personal bias or my opinion of the author. First I thought I’d only review Lyle’s latest books, but then again I’ve read them all and thought I might as well go ahead and do […]

Leangains Interviews, Meals, and Recommended Reading

For those of you who haven’t read the interviews with me over at Richard Nikoley’s site, head over there and check them out. Here’s the first part: “Martin Berkhan Means It.” Second part: “Martin Berkhan’s Workout Approach.” Third part: “Leangains: The Dietary Approach.” This is the latest one where I talk about net metabolizable energy […]

The Four Horsemen

In a recent podcast, Lyle announced a collaborative book project with me, Alan Aragon and Borge Fagerli. This book will precede the book I’m working with, but will include a little something on intermittent fasting and bodyrecomposition by yours truly. For those not familiar with Alan Aragon, he’s a nutritional consultant, contributing editor to Men’s […]

Low carb again

Given that my post Low Carb Talibans caused such a stir, I thought it would be appropriate to link Lyle’s latest article about low carb diets and the “metabolic advantage” Enjoy, folks. If you consider buying any of Lyle’s books, which you should, make sure you read my reviews.

Low Carb Talibans

I subscribe to the idea, that the best diet is the one you can maintain in the long run. For me personally, this entails intermittent fasting and a cyclic approach of higher/lower carbs, plenty of protein and low/moderate fat. My main focus lies on high quality foods, with nutritious and satiating properties, and not discrimination […]

Meal frequency again

This just in from Lyle. Meal Frequency and Energy Balance – Research Review I’d note, tangentially and I’ll come back to this below, that there is no data in humans that skipping a single meal or even a day’s worth of meals does anything to metabolic rate. Human metabolism simply doesn’t operate that quickly and […]

Back at it

I’ve been knee deep in client work, which is why I haven’t updated in a while. I’m also now managing my own column in the one and only swedish bodybuidling mag we got here Also been working on the book, or at least trying to fit it in when I can. Jesus, can’t believe […]

New pics

Added client pics in the May 21th post below. Check it out. Book reviews (coming soon) The Protein Book, by Lyle McDonald The Stubborn Body Fat Solution, by Lyle McDonald Eat Stop Eat, by Brad Pilon
