Some of you may recall that I announced an 8 week summer competition to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of this blog. Here, I’m showcasing four of the seven competitors that followed through (three had to drop out due to events related to travel and new job opportunities). The winner (Aaron) received the consultation fee […]

Time for another client update. Karl Karl, before at 185 lbs Karl, after at 173 lbs Karl, before at 185 lbs Karl, after at 173 lbs Despite getting absolutely ripped, Karl gained strength during the 11 weeks we worked together (period included one off-week, making it 10 weeks of effective dieting in total). Johan Johan, […]

When I’m constantly thinking, working with and writing about training and nutrition, I prefer to spend my free time doing completely different and unrelated stuff. Socializing, reading, watching movies or laying on the couch and playing Nintendo DS are all activities that helps me keep my sanity and order of balance in my life. This […]

Johan B Since I started working with Johan back in October, he’s dropped an amazing 40 lbs (18 kg), making a complete body transformation, using my intermittent fasting approach. Perhaps even more impressive is his radical improvement in strength/body weight ratio; even while dropping 20% of his initial body weight, he managed to increase his […]

Some random client updates. Other people I’ve worked with can be found in the Testimonials section. Client 1 Kenneth used the Leangains approach between 12th of August and 1st of November. He lost a significant amount of fat mass, yet gained a respectable amount of strength. While no bodycomposition analysis is done on this client, […]

Happy Holidays everyone! I’ve started taking clients again and figured that it was time for another client update. Feel free to contact me if you’re interested in my help. Bear in mind that I have a waiting list. In many cases, the pictures are too small to do the clients justice, so give them a […]

A pretentious introduction will not set the tone for 2012, so to hell with that, Happy New Year and cheers to all. I’ll kick off 2012 with another client update, talk some shit, and we’ll see where it ends up. I accidentally deleted half the post without saving, including a bunch of interesting and not-so-interesting […]

I can’t think of a better way to kick off 2011 than with another client update. Perhaps these transformations will provide some inspiration for you in this new year. As usual, every client used the Leangains intermittent fasting approach, which you can read more about here: “The Leangains Guide.” Without exception, every client either gained […]

Time for another client update. See all client updates and testimonials on this site by clicking here* and here. * To see all client updates, you need to click “older posts” at the end of the page. Dave G Dave Gerczak, successful entrepreneur and founder of the large online watch store Watchco, has made a […]

Time for another client update. See all client updates and testimonials on this site by clicking here and here. Robert N Robert had been dieting for Decembercupen, where he would compete in Athletic Fitness, for several weeks before he came to me. There wasn’t much time left and at 4 weeks out he needed to […]