Here’s a video of Andreaz Engström, current nordic bodybuilding champ and client of mine, preparing for the national championship in Athletic Fitness 2010.
Andreaz does about half of his training fasted. Heavy compound movements predominantely, no pikachu-stuff. He’s about 6 weeks out here and strong as ever.
This is a new challenge for Andreaz and the demands are a bit different than bodybuilding. Athletic Fitness is an event where participants are judged for their physique, and their performance in body weight chins and dips, in rowing (the distance covered in 60 seconds), and on an obstacle course (time to finish). Performance is of a greater priority than perfecting the carb load and sodium/water manipulation in the final week. However, I’m confident that he will do very well.

And here’s a recent pic about 4 weeks out. As you can see his conditioning is on point.