Time for another client update.
Despite getting absolutely ripped, Karl gained strength during the 11 weeks we worked together (period included one off-week, making it 10 weeks of effective dieting in total).

Even though Johan got his conditioning to a point where he looks as if he’s ready to step on a bodybuilding stage, he retained his strength very well during this dieting phase.

James consulted with me a while ago, after which he proceeded on his own and used my diet to gain some quality mass. These pics were taken after 16 weeks of a mass phase followed by 4 weeks of a diet phase. As you can see the difference in body fat is minimal, yet he looks a lot thicker on the after-pics. The net result seems to be about 10 lbs of pure muscle on his frame.
Here are some of the excellent strength gains he made:
- Bench press
- at 160 lbs: 185 lbs x 6
- at 170 lbs: 235 lbs x 5
- Squat
- at 160 lbs: 245 lbs x 6
- at 170 lbs: 285 lbs x 5
- Deadlift
- at 160 lbs: 265 lbs x 5
- at 170 lbs: 310 lbs x 5
Another successful example of the Leangains approach to quality mass gain, Matthew reports the following results after 12 weeks.
- Bench press
- at 175 lbs: 205 lbs x 8
- at 184 lbs: 245 lbs x 7
- Front squat
- at 175 lbs: 205 lbs x 5
- at 184 lbs: 255 lbs x 4
- Deadlift
- at 175 lbs: 340 lbs x 4
- at 184 lbs: 405 lbs x 5
Though there are no adequate before-pics of this client, Matthew reports no measurable fat gain despite having added 9 lbs of mass to his frame. In fact, he reports feeling slightly leaner than before.