I’ve been knee deep in client work, which is why I haven’t updated in a while. I’m also now managing my own column in the one and only swedish bodybuidling mag we got here www.body.se. Also been working on the book, or at least trying to fit it in when I can. Jesus, can’t believe […]

Last week I participated in an intermittent fasting roundtable at Mike O’Donnell’s blog. Nothing groundbreaking if you’re familiar with the gist of my protocols and ideas, but well worth a read to see what Mike and Brad has to say about IF. On the topic of blogs, you should also check out Lyle’s six part […]

My review of Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle prompted me to seek some clarifications regarding Tom’s stance on meal frequency and whether he has changed his stance since the latest edition. I think BFFM is a great book overall, so I wanted to give Tom a chance to meet my critcism personally. This is […]

Since I talked about meal frequency in the BFFM book review, and how 99% of diet/fitness books keeps reiterating the same old jargon about how several small meals a day ‘stokes/fires up your metabolism’, I thought I might as well go ahead and clear up the confusion surrounding this subject. Note: Tom has changed his […]

Brief summary of the differences that exist between the various forms of intermittent fasting. If you’re unclear about what intermittent fasting is, read this. ADF (alternate day fasting, 36/12 hrs fast/feed). See also The Alternate-Day Diet, which is a milder form of ADF. While I don’t think The Alternate-Day Diet is an optimal approach for […]

Below follows a brief, and a bit informal, e-mail exchange with Matt Metzgar on intermittent fasting and how it can be used for muscle growth and fat loss. It may answer some questions the new reader may have about my methods, so I thought I’d put it up here. New readers may also wan’t to […]

Do we need BCAA supplementation? The debate rages on. The following is an excerpt from Jamie Hale’s new book Knowledge and Nonsense: the science of nutrition and exercise. I recently gave my opinion on BCAA (Branched-Chain Amino Acids) in a roundtable discussion with HST founder Bryan Haycock, Alan Aragon and natural bodybuilder Layne Norton, among […]

Less is usually more I’ve added two testimonials from people I helped get their mind right with regards to weight training; Daniel Berglind and Albert Kuller (you’ll find them in the Testimonials section). Both used an IF protocol, in combination with a low volume lifting routine, centered on compound movements like the bench press, squat, […]

Linda Mannila wrote an extensive review of her experience with the Leangains approach. Check out her blog to read it Linda clearly outlines what she feels is the primary benefits of the diet approach; less hunger, feeling satisfied despite losing weight and simplicity. Another client blogging here: Kenneth Johansen Kenneth made a deal with his […]

I recently did an interview with Leigh Peele and I consider this a good summary of my thoughts on the subject. Click here to read the interview Enjoy. 26/9 Update: Congratulations to Seth Ronland for taking 2nd in the 2007 Swedish Athletic Fitness Championship in Karlstad (+180 cm). His achievement is especially impressive, considering his […]