The six meals a day dogma gets knocked again. Badly. It wasn’t too long ago that the mainstream media caught wind of the fact that there is no difference with regards to fat loss on lower versus higher meal frequencies. Now a new study shows that three meals a day is actually superior to six […]

I sometimes get asked how it “feels to be lean” or hear remarks like “it must be awesome to be lean all the time“. I reply that I feel great and that being lean feels great. But that’s not the whole truth. People with a remote interest in fitness and health usually aspire to get […]

My thoughts in IF, briefly, are that it’s a highly understudied area. The more research I review, the more I’ve come to find out how well-adapted the human species is to prolonged periods of zero food. There are several variants of IF, some are less conducive to typical recomp goals than others. I have come […]

It’ about goddamn time. New York Times nonetheless. What I find frustrating is that he says “some” studies have found health benefits with smaller meals, when the opposite is true as well. And not to mention, while some studies found an insignificant increase in metabolic rate with a dozen mini-meals per day, the great majority […]

I ranted a little about diet approach, leptin and the set-point theory on bodybuilding.com. Figured it could make for a decent post here. I added some extras in the form of a short review on the effects of intermittent fasting on leptin. Short background on leptin and set-point Leptin is a master-hormone with downstream effects […]

…in physique development and sports performance, even rather intelligent folks can be resistant to removing any one element of the puzzle when they are currently pleased with the results being produced and see things consistently moving in the desired direction over time. Are there any practical ways to help such people break the ‘perception is […]

Occam’s razor is a principle named after the 14th-century logician, theologian and Franciscan friar, William of Ockham. In short terms, it means that you shouldn’t make your hypotheses more complex than they need to be. The simplest explanation or strategy is often the right one. Sadly, it’s rarely applied in the fitness industry or among […]

In part one of this article series I covered the basics of water retention. This time I’ll list a few effective tricks that will help you deal with it when and if it occurs. Don’t worry, you won’t be sweating it out in a sauna and sucking on ice cubes. I’ll offer simple and non-intimidating […]

In an ideal world, weight loss would be perfectly linear. You’d lose weight in a predictable manner, seeing small but consistent changes each passing day. But this is rarely the case, which my experience has proven me many times over. If you’ve ever been on a diet and tracked your progress with the scale or […]

Everyone knows Christmas is a great time for cheesecake. And I’m a cheesecake master. Master at eating it, that is. Do not click pic if prone to cravings.