Some of you may recall that I announced an 8 week summer competition to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of this blog. Here, I’m showcasing four of the seven competitors that followed through (three had to drop out due to events related to travel and new job opportunities). The winner (Aaron) received the consultation fee […]
Last week I participated in an intermittent fasting roundtable at Mike O’Donnell’s blog. Nothing groundbreaking if you’re familiar with the gist of my protocols and ideas, but well worth a read to see what Mike and Brad has to say about IF. On the topic of blogs, you should also check out Lyle’s six part […]
Mission Statement: all reviews will be my honest assesment on the material in queston. My opinion will never be influenced by personal bias or my opinion of the author. The Metabolic Repair Manual If you have ever seen the frustration of a woman who hates her body to the point of starving herself and training […]
Time for another client update. Karl Karl, before at 185 lbs Karl, after at 173 lbs Karl, before at 185 lbs Karl, after at 173 lbs Despite getting absolutely ripped, Karl gained strength during the 11 weeks we worked together (period included one off-week, making it 10 weeks of effective dieting in total). Johan Johan, […]
Mission Statement: all reviews will be my honest assesment on the material in queston. My opinion will never be influenced by personal bias or my opinion of the author. Eat Stop Eat Review Discover why one simple change to the way you eat will make you forget about every other super-complicated weight loss and diet […]
I just added Digg and a social bookmarking icon to this site, and I’d greatly appreciate if you would digg any articles/posts that you like. Take a minute or two, it’s not much to ask. For example, by digging the post from 18th July, which explains why meal frequency doesn’t have anything to do with […]
My review of Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle prompted me to seek some clarifications regarding Tom’s stance on meal frequency and whether he has changed his stance since the latest edition. I think BFFM is a great book overall, so I wanted to give Tom a chance to meet my critcism personally. This is […]
Since I talked about meal frequency in the BFFM book review, and how 99% of diet/fitness books keeps reiterating the same old jargon about how several small meals a day ‘stokes/fires up your metabolism’, I thought I might as well go ahead and clear up the confusion surrounding this subject. Note: Tom has changed his […]
Mission Statement: all reviews will be my honest assesment on the material in queston. My opinion will never be influenced by personal bias or my opinion of the author. Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Review There are dozens of outstanding books on the subjects of nutrition and fat loss, but far too many of […]
You’ll find it here. This is a follow-up on the interview I did with Leigh Peele a while ago. New topics include women and IF, and why I believe IF is the best approach for maintenance. It’s quite length, but after having read it you’ll get a very good idea what my approach is all […]