Time for another success story. This one is from Danielle Reutter who used the Leangains approach to get in amazing shape. Actually, “amazing” is a huge understatement, as she won her class in the 2010 NPC Nationals (Figure) and earned an IFBB Pro Card. This makes Danielle the first American “professional” Figure competitor who uses […]

The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program Concurrent muscle gain and fat loss is the most difficult goal to achieve. That’s why people call it the “Holy Grail”; because it’s so elusive. Tom Venuto Who is this book for? Anyone seeking the most coveted goal of them all: losing fat while gaining muscle. Body recomposition. What […]

Dear readers, it is with troublesome news I break my three months of silence. The statistics all point towards the same conclusion: we have a global outbreak of fuckarounditis. Fuckarounditis is a behavioral disorder characterized by a mediocre physique and complete lack of progress, despite significant amounts of time spent in the gym. Fuckarounditis most commonly manifests […]

What is the maximum muscular potential of drug-free athletes or natural bodybuilders? And what does it take to get there? That’s the topic I’m going to revisit today. I’ve talked about the maximum muscular potential before in the short article “What’s my Genetic Muscular Potential”, where I presented a formula based on the heights and […]

I’ve been knee deep in client work, which is why I haven’t updated in a while. I’m also now managing my own column in the one and only swedish bodybuidling mag we got here www.body.se. Also been working on the book, or at least trying to fit it in when I can. Jesus, can’t believe […]

Happy Holidays everyone! I’ve started taking clients again and figured that it was time for another client update. Feel free to contact me if you’re interested in my help. Bear in mind that I have a waiting list. In many cases, the pictures are too small to do the clients justice, so give them a […]

Earlier today, someone asked me about my biggest failures on my road to success, and I answered that they all came from stubbornly clinging to old ideas, and refusing to let go of them in spite of negative consequences. Here’s a part of my response: This kind of irrational behavior is termed the “sunk cost fallacy”. […]

Does intermittent fasting preserve muscle mass during weight loss? A new study claims it does. This is quite exciting, so I’m interrupting my planned schedule to give you the low down on these findings. I just got access to this paper and I’ll be writing this post as I read through it. The study: “Intermittent […]

I have an article coming soon and I can almost guarantee that you will get to learn about something completely new and fascinating. A topic I haven’t seen covered anywhere else outside the deepest pits of PubMed. At least I don’t think so. Not from this perspective. But if I’m wrong I’m gonna have to go […]

I can’t think of a better way to kick off 2011 than with another client update. Perhaps these transformations will provide some inspiration for you in this new year. As usual, every client used the Leangains intermittent fasting approach, which you can read more about here: “The Leangains Guide.” Without exception, every client either gained […]