Fasted Training Boosts Endurance and Muscle Glycogen

In this article I wrote about a study that showed an anabolic rebound effect during feeding after fasted weight training. The title of that article ended with a question mark, since it was a (very) short-term study with results that were far from conclusive in regards to fasted training being superior to fed state training. […]

Early Morning Fasted Training

In the Leangains Guide I wrote the following: My general position on the fasted phase is that it should last through the night and during the morning hours. Ideally the fast should then be broken at noon or shortly thereafter if you arise at 6-7 AM like most people. Afternoons and evenings are usually spent […]

Fasted Training Boosts Muscle Growth?

A recent study shows fasted training affects the post-workout anabolic response to weight training more favorably than fed-state training. This study is very interesting to say the least, since it lends scientific support to explain the beneficial effects from both fasted-training and Leangains-style intermittent fasting. Let me give you the lowdown on this study in […]

Leangains Pre-Contest Training

Here’s a video of Andreaz Engström, current nordic bodybuilding champ and client of mine, preparing for the national championship in Athletic Fitness 2010. Andreaz does about half of his training fasted. Heavy compound movements predominantely, no pikachu-stuff. He’s about 6 weeks out here and strong as ever. This is a new challenge for Andreaz and […]

EAA or BCAA and why? – Q&A #11

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Leangains Site Guide

For beginners wanting the ins and out of my methods, or long-time readers who may have missed a hidden gem or two, I wrote a site guide. This will provide a coherent overview of essential reading as it relates to intermittent fasting, nutrition and good training practices. Let me know if you think something’s missing. Dec 14th: […]

Supplements You Might Actually Find Useful (Oct 7th, 2018: EAA Update)

Wrote this in 2010. 7 years later, what’s different? Not much. My recommendations and personal usage remain the same with one caveat. As far as fat burners go, there’s nothing legal left worth buying ‘cept caffeine pills. Back in the day, you could still buy some pretty  hardcore/grey zone thermogenics on, but those are […]

Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Muscle Growth: Promising Potential

Can omega-3 fatty acids boost muscle growth? Well, let’s just say that I’m very excited to report about the results from two new studies that sought to answer that question. The results? I will tell you all about in this article. I don’t have time to keep up with the going-on’s in the forums, and […]

Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss Preserves Muscle Mass?

Does intermittent fasting preserve muscle mass during weight loss? A new study claims it does. This is quite exciting, so I’m interrupting my planned schedule to give you the low down on these findings. I just got access to this paper and I’ll be writing this post as I read through it. The study: “Intermittent […]
